Workshop: 'Working Safely with Trauma' - Anthea Millar 21st & 22nd Oct 2017

Presented by Anthea Millar MA, MBACP Reg, Dip ASIIP

Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer

Date: Clonmel 21st and 22nd October 2017
Venue: TBA Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Cost: €140

In recent years, the increased understanding of the neurological and biopsychosocial aspects of trauma has resulted in the development of more effective approaches to recovery from the impact of trauma. These findings integrate well with a holistic Adlerian therapeutic approach, which focuses particularly on the skills of ensuring safety and stability, developing dual attention and building on the person’s resources and social connection.

This highly practical and skills based workshop, relevant to all mental health practitioners, will introduce the following:

  • The neurological bases of trauma (including polyvagal theory)
  • Single event vs developmental trauma
  • The core principles of safe trauma therapy
  • Assessing the client
  • Practical strategies for enabling safety.
  • Dual attention - gaining integration
  • Working with flashbacks and nightmares
  • Working with trauma memories
  • Practitioner self-care

Anthea MillerAnthea Millar is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Psychotherapist with 33 years’ experience. She has a busy therapy and supervision practice, and regularly provides trauma therapy and supervision training in both in the UK and abroad.

Anthea has extensive experience in trauma work and has undertaken specialist trainings with Babette Rothschild, Bessel van der Kolk, Daniel Siegel, and other key trauma therapists, and in the use of EMDR. She is author of the JIP article ‘Trauma Therapy: An Adlerian Perspective’ (Fall 2013) and the 2017 UK Year Book article ‘Trauma, Connection and Recovery’.

Anthea is a co-director of Cambridge Supervision Training, and co-author of the book ‘Practical Supervision: How to become a supervisor for the helping professions’ (Jessica Kingsley 2014). She is also a Vice President of the Adlerian Society UK (ASIIP), a co-editor of the ASIIP journal, and on the faculty of ICASSI, an international Adlerian summer school.

The impetus for the Adlerian Conference idea grew out of the development of Adlerian parent study groups, which were initiated in Ireland as far back as 1980.
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Adlerian Network of Ireland clg.    Charity No: 20034511    Website by: Déise Design
Adlerian Network of Ireland clg.
C/O Maeve Withero, 1 Coleville Avenue
Coleville Road, Raheen
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91 A313

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Charity No: 20034511